Becoming an Extension Connoisseur
If you’re reading this, chances are you’re already an extension specialist. And that’s wonderful! You can honestly say that you know the ins and outs of Babe hair and/or lash extensions, and you’re a master at working with them. But here’s a question you might not get often: are you an extension connoisseur?
Before you say anything—yes, there is a difference. It starts with ‘p’ and rhymes with “fashion,” and it’s the only thing that will take you beyond the realm of technical skill and into the world of artistry. And although we understand that, on some days, doing your thing is just plain work, we’re here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be! Here are some techniques that’ll jazz up your practice, and help you become a bona fide extension connoisseur:
Get Involved. It’s easy to get comfortable after you’ve earned your Babe Certification and started up an extension practice, but there’s no surer way to kill your passion than to stick it into a routine. Fortunately, the solution is pretty simple: get yourself out of the salon sometimes and continue challenging yourself! Babe offers numerous classes for professional development, and even opportunities for becoming an educator yourself! Visit us at a trade show and you’ll see what we mean. (You can find the schedule here.)
Get Intimate. The best part of our education and trade show programs is the Babe community that grows from it. Many stylists who meet at our shows stay friends long after the show is over. We’ve even seen Babe stylists go into business together! It’s miraculous how people can help to reinvigorate your work, so don’t let them pass you by!
Follow Up. You know who else can reinvigorate your work? Your clients! It might be easy to look them over when you’re so used to seeing them, or when you work with lots of people in one day. But even if extensions are old news for you, oftentimes they’re not for the people sitting in your chair. So talk to them, follow up with them, appreciate their responses, and let yourself be part of their transformation.
Mix it Up! As passionate as you may already be about extensions, we know that they’re not your only love in life! So here’s a challenge: combine your enthusiasm for extensions with your other passions. Whether that involves installing extensions for a charitable cause, styling hair for a runway show, or even composing the perfect cosplay look—go for it! You needn’t limit yourself to a single calling.
Change the View. Whether it means sprucing up your workspace, moving your location, or just shifting your point of view, changing your perspective can instantly change your feelings about what you do. So here’s another challenge: try rewriting your job description. Give yourself a different title, and see how it suits you! While “stylist” is an easily-understandable and professional option, it may not be the name that gets to the heart of what you do. What about “Wish Granter,” “Hair Magician,” or “Lash Artist”? You don’t have to put it on your name tag (though you can if you want!), but you should start thinking of yourself along those lines. Because you’re not just an extension specialist!
How would you describe what you do? Tell us in the comments below!