How to Use Easter Eggs in Your Salon
Easter eggs are not only for kids. Many companies use them as a marketing strategy to add a little bit of surprise and excitement to an otherwise ordinary affair or transaction. This Easter season, we’re going to share some ways you can incorporate this fun little feature into your salon!
Hidden coupons.
Have you ever thought about hiding a discount coupon inside of the magazines in your salon’s waiting area? Or sneaking a free product offer into a little-noticed area of the mirror? As opposed to a generic ad or promotion, Easter eggs like these seem more serendipitous and personal for clients who happen upon them, and can produce the kinds of gratifying feelings that encourage shopping. Reward your customers for their presence, patience, and attention with an incentive to invest further in your business.
Tailored messages.
Show your clients some gratitude with discreet “thank you” notes or brighten up their day with secret affirmations. One example that we particularly like is posting a small sign on the wall opposite the mirrors (that the client can see when they look into the mirror) with the text “Hello, beautiful!” or “Thank you for being here!” printed in reverse so that the client can read it easily via the reflection.
Little invitations.
If you have a salon event in mind that demands a limited number of attendees, or if you want to generate interest in an event by making it seem secret or exclusive, consider hiding your invitations as Easter eggs around the salon. Tape it to the ceiling above the washing stations, pin it to the inside of your client’s smock, or leave it in the bathroom underneath the bar of soap. Include messaging that indicates that your client has found something secret and special, like “Congratulations,” “Good eye!,” or even, “Psssst….have you heard about such-and-such event?,” so that they don’t mistake the Easter egg for just another discarded piece of paper.
There are many variations of these ideas that you can try out in your salon. Come up with a symbol that you hide in multiple unnoticed places around your salon, then offer a discount to anyone who asks about it. If you have a website, hide a graphic, image, or link that leads your user to a special offer. Tape a hidden promo to the back of a random aftercare product for the buyer to discover later. Let your imagination go wild!
And don’t forget to take advantage of our current Babe Tag sale and the colorful little discounts that go with it! Just purchase a Babe Color Swatch from your local distributor and find three distinct discount tags inside. Enjoy!